Dodge Center City Council Meeting - July 22, 2024



Monday, July 22, 2024

This published information is a summary of the full minutes of the July 22, 2024 Dodge Center City Council meeting. A copy of the full minutes is available for viewing at City Hall, 35 East Main Street or online at

Present: Bill Ketchum, Gary Trelstad, Cathy Skogen, Paul Blaisdell, Matt Maas, Lee Mattson, Deputy Jeff Brion, Meredith Brose, Mark Barwald, Kathy Freeman and others


City Council approved the following items:

• Agenda and amended consent agenda to include: Minutes from July 8, 2024 City Council Meeting, June 11, 2024 HRA Meeting, June 18, 2024 Park Board Meeting, Payment of Bills; Center Clinic Request to close road on September 15, 2024, Reverand Langworthy’s request to close road on August 6, 2024 and a donation request from St John’s Catholic Church;

• Public Hearing on Nuisance:

The order to abate 308 2nd St NE, 508 3rd St SE, 508 East Main St; Extend time allotted to 208 E Main St to August 22, 2024 at which time the City will order to abate said property; Extend time allotted to 611 2nd St NE to August 22, 2024 at which time the City will order the abatement of said property; Extend time allotted to 709 2nd St NE to August 22, 2024 at which time the City will order the abatement of said property;

• Public Hearing by City Council on the updated Floodplain Ordinance;

• Authorizing staff to execute any documents required to close out the KMTel Fiber Optic Project grant;

• Appointment of John Fox, Assistant Ambulance Director;

• Offer of employment to James Paulson for Maintenance position;

• TKDA’s proposed fee of $69,500 for professional services in design of Jet-A-Fuel Tank Expansion Project;

• Extend Airport land lease for same term as original lease;

• Annadine closing off two parking spaces in front of the restaurant on August 2, 2024

• Aquatic Center to close pool for the season on August 18, 2024.

Meeting adjourned at 7:26 pm